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Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know
What should the tone of my review be?
Who should leave a review?
When should I write a review?
When will my review be published?
Will my review be published on other websites or publications?
Am I able to write a review that is fake or misleading?
What does defamatory mean?
How do I ensure privacy of persons whilst generating a public review?
Do I need to register an account when submitting a review?
Do I need to register an account?
Can I edit or delete my profile/account?
Can I edit / delete the reviews?
Can I flag a review?
How to best choose a recruitment agency on Rate Your Recruiters?
I cant find a recruitment company that matches my search profile?
The recruitment agency I have been talking to is not in the search results?
I am looking for a recruitment firm overseas, how can you help me?
About Rate Your Recruiters
Why use Rate Your Recruiters?
Why claim a Recruitment Agency profile?
When should I write a review?
How are reviews vetted and published?
What is Leadership Ripple?
What information is shared with 3rd party companies or individuals?
Who can use Rate Your Recruiters?
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